National Youth Recorder Orchestras Great Britain

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National Youth Recorder Orchestras of Great Britain

Taking Part

If you are aged 8 to 25 and your teacher considers that you are of grade 3 standard or above, come to one of our Recorder Days around the country for a taste of what it is like to play with people of a similar age and standard with professional conductors and tutors. You will find out what NYRO is all about and will very likely make new recorder playing friends. Recorder teachers are also welcome at our Recorder Days.

The next stage is to try our residential courses. The Easter Course is for players of grade 4 or above. You do not need a grade pass; your teacher’s assessment is sufficient. There is no audition and it is the perfect starting point for younger and less experienced players as well as providing playing challenges for the more able. During the course, players will be split into smaller groups according to their playing ability as well as sessions when everyone plays together. There will be time to relax and enjoy the social life, hear the tutors perform and perhaps do your own party turn. There will be an informal concert on the last day to which your family and friends will be welcome. There is also an option for daytime attendance for younger players or those living locally.

For the Summer Course our tutors will split players into groups according to ability and experience. You will practice technique and music with all course members and also in your groups. There will be free time for relaxing and socialising, a student concert, when you may contribute a musical or non-musical item, a tutor concert and the ever-popular NYRO ceilidh. On the last day there will be a public concert, recorded professionally.

Applications are welcomed from overseas players.

Remember, if you think you cannot afford the fees, help may be possible. For example, the Society of Recorder Players has the SRP Walter Bergmann Fund to assist young recorder players.